My name is Jay Kay and I’m using this site to tell a story as well as maybe help some of you with cooking recipes focused primarily around the life of a diabetic.
When I was 25 years old (I’m told I’m 34 now) I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Prior to my diagnosis I didn’t understand what it meant when someone said, “you are what you eat” or other odd statements around the diet of people. As it turns out though, a diabetic knows better than most how food affects the human body and generally speaking what and how to eat for a healthy life.
As diabetics, we know how we SHOULD eat, but not always how to MAKE the dishes! Personally, I’ve adopted a similar mantra to that of Shia Labeouf’s “just do it!”, but more “just try it!”. Speaking more about recipes than about accomplishing life goals.
You see… A perfect diabetic person eats the way most people should eat (varying only portions or adjusting for allergies, etc…). So as I find recipes that I like and that fit within the realm of healthy eating, it’s my plan to share that here.
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